
About Audrey and Henry

We have the deepest respect and appreciation for what Western medicine can do.  However, many people we know (including the two of us) wrestled with a variety of health challenges and found that more was needed than what Western medicine could provide.     

Fortunately, in about 2002, we met Ms. Beverly Chapman who helped us on our journey to an extent we could not have imagined. Ms. Chapman is a practitioner and teacher of her Apache ancestors’ ancient healing ways for body, mind, and spirit.

Given the results we have experienced and seen, we became fascinated and passionate about this way of healing. So we began to study and practice these spiritual and energy healing techniques. In assisting people, we also employ additional energy healing ways including Reiki and practices teachings from Kabbalah.

Our journey to spiritual and energy practices did not come easily or naturally.  Frankly, it was a last resort. We both grew up in New York City and have lived here most of our lives.  Our educations and work experiences were for decades quite traditional by New York City standards, and we had limited involvement with alternative healing approaches.  Henry worked in business and investing for over two decades. Audrey had traditional corporate jobs in the music and advertising industries for a decade.  Under her maiden name Audrey Silver, she has now been a professional jazz singer & songwriter since 2000 audreysilver.com 

In order to be of assistance to more people and animals, we decided to create a non-profit organization to continue our spiritual and energy healing and equine rescue work in a more structured way.  The Pinchas Foundation, Inc. was created in February of 2019 to:

  • Offer spiritual and energy healing services to people and animals,

  • Train others in these ways, and

  • Support equine rescue efforts.

Henry is the President of the Foundation and provides its services. One way to think about our structure is that Henry is like a doctor employed by a non-profit hospital (although he is not a doctor).

Henry also practices Reiki. He is a Reiki Master, and on behalf of the Foundation I offers Reiki attunements.

In case you’re wondering how equine rescue and spiritual and energy healing are connected, the answer is that to us they are linked in at least two important ways.  One, interacting with horses has proven to be remarkably healing for many. And two, we believe that all people and our planet can only fully heal to the extent all people and all animals are honored and treated with compassion.    

If what we do interests you, we hope you will reach out to us.

And finally we thank and honor our parents who mean everything to us and gave us everything.

Audrey and Henry Levin